The Eagle’s Roost COVIDsafe Plan

Guests are respectfully requested to cancel their booking if they have any COVID-19 symptoms. Stay at home if you are unwell. Cancellations due to COVID-19 will attract no penalty.


Manage the risks of a person contracting or spreading COVID-19 in the workplace

  • Risk: Infected guest.

Clear house/booking rules that state no-one who has COVID-19 symptoms can stay. Free refunds/cancellations without penalty provisions also advertised.

Sign on door stating no-one with COVID-19 symptoms can enter

  • Risk: Infected visitor.

Inform friends that visits can only go ahead if they are completely well.

Sign on door stating no-one with COVID-19 symptoms can enter

  • Risk: Infected host (me).

Clear house/booking rules that state if host develops COVID-19 symptoms their visit will be cancelled. Free refunds/cancellations without penalty provisions also advertised.

Guests will be re-booked for another date or with other local accommodation providers, where this is possible.

  • Risk: Infected Contractor.

Inform contractors that their entry and work can only go ahead if they are completely well.

Sign on door stating no-one with COVID-19 symptoms can enter


Implement and maintain a cleaning schedule across the workplace

  • Maintain usual routine cleaning and sanitising related to food preparation and washing up etc.
  • Maintain usual daily bathroom cleaning routine.
  • Additional cleaning/sanitising:

All door handles and light switches wiped down with disinfectant before guests arrive.

Backs of dining chairs disinfected before and after breakfast or any other meals eaten on site.

Host will sanitise utensils, plates etc after guest use.

Wash bedding and towels in hot wash.

Have good hygiene procedures and practices (such as washing and/or sanitising of hands)

  • Maintain usual routine Host cleanliness (hand washing, gloves when cleaning)

Additionally, wear gloves at all times while setting table and preparing meals – do not touch face etc.

Have a hand sanitising/washing station set up in laundry (where guests enter).

Invite guests to refill their own small sanitiser containers from bulk dispenser.

Request that physical distancing requirements are met by guests, contractors and others entering, leaving or moving around the workplace.

  • Have posters about physical distancing and correct coughing and sneezing protocols up in entrance and in common areas of B&B.

Provide information and instruction to other people who attend the workplace about how they are to comply with your processes and procedures, and make sure they apply them.

  1. The Eagle’s Roost COVIDsafe Plan will be uploaded on the business website and the details included as additional house rules on all external booking channels used.
  2. The Eagle’s Roost COVIDsafe Plan will be advertised on social media business profiles (Facebook and Twitter)